Webscapers Garage Sale - How It Works

Item Layout:

Item Layout

[1] Item Image

Here you will see the image of the item. Some items will have multiple images and have an image slider showing them. You can click an image to have it open bigger for better viewing.

Item Modal View

You can close the modal view by clicking anywhere on the screen or by clicking the white X

[2] Item Number

This is the unique number that each item has. If you ever have a question/issue with an item you can include this in an email for easier item identification.

[3] Item Title

This is the title of the item. If you ever have any questions/issues you can inlude this in an email.

[4] Item Info Icon (Description)

This is the item info icon, hover or click to open the description of the item. Here you will find specific information about the item.

Item Description

[5] Item Category

This is the item category. It tells you the type of item it is.

[6] Item Status

This is the status of the item. It tells you if the item is 'Available' for purchase, or if the item is either 'Pending Purchase' or 'Pending Offer'.

[7] Item Price

This is the price of the item in Canadian dollars.

[8] Buy Item Button

When you click this button a confirmation popup will appear with the item details and a confirmation 'Intend to Buy' button. As seen here.

[9] Make Offer Button

When you click this button a confirmation popup will appear with the item details and a form for you to enter your offer. The form has a 'Make Offer' confirmation button. As seen here.

Buy Item Dialog:

Buy Item Dialog
*Note: You can view your 'Intend to Buy' items on your profile page. You also have the ability to remove an 'Intend to Buy' Item. When an item is removed the next in line becomes the next item holder and if there is no line the item will return to an available item status.

Make Offer Item Dialog:

Make Offer Item Dialog
*Note: You can view your 'Item Offers' on your profile page. You also have the ability to remove an 'Item Offer'. When an item offer is removed the item will return to an available status.

Item Layout - Get In Line:

Item Layout - Get In Line

[1] Get In Line Button

When you click this button a confirmation popup will appear with the item details and a confirmation 'Confirm Get in Line' button. As seen here.

[2] Item Status

For 'Intend to Buy' items the status is set to 'Pending Purchase'. These are the items that other members can 'Get In Line' for. This is for when the current item holder backs out of purchasing. If you are next in line you will be sent an email stating you are the new item holder.

[3] Current Item Holders Name

This is where the current item holders name is displayed. Once an Item has been set as 'Intend to Buy' or an offer has been made through 'Make Offer' the members username is displayed.

[4] Item Line Info Icon

Hovering or clicking this icon will display the current item line. The Line Number is shown inside the red box. The username and date/time the member got in line is also displayed.

Item Line Expanded

Get In Line Item Dialog:

Buy Item Dialog
*Note: You can view your 'Item Lines' on your profile page. You also have the ability to 'Get Out of Line' for an item.

Meeting Times/Locations:

Current Primary Meeting Times:

Fridays 4:00PM to 7:00PM
Sundays 4:00PM to 6:00PM

Current Primary Meeting Locations:

Vernon Superstore parking lot. Produce Entrance.

These are the best-case scenario for my own personal schedule. I can arrange meeting anywhere from Cherryville through Vernon. We can arrange an alternate time/location depending on the purchase.

Pickup in Cherryville is an option as well.


Currently all transactions are in cash and in person.

If you wish to arrange shipping you must contact me first to make sure the item you wish to purchase can be shipped. Payment can be made by banking e-transfer and will include your quoted shipping and handling.

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